If you would prefer to donate by check, please mail it to:
Merrimack Valley Jewish Federation
P.O. Box 937
Andover, MA 01810
Chaverim (Friends)
Making a donation to your local Merrimack Valley Jewish Federation is the ultimate sign of solidarity. With it you demonstrate your desire to be a part of the Jewish Community in ways that are important to you. Through participation in and support of MVJF activities, you fashion your own link in the chain...building on the past, enhancing the present and fostering future links that will sustain the richness of Jewish life.
Your Jewish Federation serves the greater Jewish community by funding and offering opportunities for more vibrant and secure Jewish living. Our mission is to build community, foster and enable Jewish joy, and help people in need. We are here for everyone, across the spectrum of Jewish beliefs and observance, who wish to experience the beauty of our culture and care for one other. These values transcend any ideas and issues over which we may disagree. The MVJF is the only community-wide, non-worship based Jewish organization that works to bring all of us together. There are no membership fees. Your show of community solidarity and belief in our mission is your choosing to Donate to the MVJF Annual Campaign, Sponsor SPOTLIGHT programs and participate in MVJF activities.
The MVJF SPOTLIGHT on Jewish and Israeli Culture was created to offer high quality programs locally at reasonable prices. To celebrate the range of Jewish cultural creativity and to build strong links for both today and tomorrow. MVJF CARES includes initiatives that assist those who might be challenged by antisemitism, war, terrorism, poverty or natural disasters. People needing assistance locally, in Israel and around the world. A contribution to the Annual Appeal supports both.
We invite you to share your concerns and suggest programs or projects so we can focus on what is important to you.
Thank you!