Temple Emanuel Senior Program
Thursday, November 6th 11:30 am - 2:00 pm
Pizza lunch at Salvatore’s Restaurant
Guided tour of the Addison Gallery of American Art
Bus transportation will be provided; please arrive at Temple by 11:30 am.
Please bring $5 for lunch.
Please RSVP by Monday, November 3rd 978-470-1356
About the museum: Located at Phillips Academy in Andover, the Addison Gallery’s collection of American art is one of the most comprehensive in the world. It includes more than 17,000 objects spanning the 18th century to the present. The Addison presents approximately twelve shows per year, including permanent collection installations and major traveling exhibitions, representing a wide range of art.
Our Senior Programs are sponsored by the Sisterhood of Temple Emanuel.
Thank you to Vocell Bus Company for their services.