Selichot, the singular of which (selichah) means "forgiveness" in Hebrew, are penitential prayers and poems that are often recited in Jewish communities starting on the Saturday night before the Jewish New Year, or Rosh Hashanah, all the way through Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.
Congregation Shalom will be hosting a Selichot program on Saturday night September 24th at 7:00 pm. The Selichot event will start with some food and social time. We will then watch the film, "Little White Lie." This powerful film is a personal documentary about dual identity, race and the legacy of family secrets, denial, and redemption. (A trailer is available on Youtube) The showing of the film will be followed by what promises to be a lively discussion. Finally we will end the evening with havdallah, prayers and reflection. Feel free to come for all or some of the evening. And just to repeat - of course, there will be refreshments to enhance our experience!