16th Annual Interfaith Prayer Tuesday, February 26, 2019 Cascia Hall | 7-8pm
How do we react to people who are different than us? Bullying, antisemitism, xenophobia - all these behaviors reflect the fears that we can feel when confronted with difference. One of the most powerful commandments in our faiths is "love the stranger." Welcoming difference in others is intimately connected to loving ourselves, in all our messiness and imperfection and humanity. How do we do the work of loving our neighbor as ourselves? |
CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF JEWISH-CHRISTIAN-MUSLIM RELATIONS MERRIMACK COLLEGE 315 Turnpike Street, S-8 North Andover, MA 01845 www.merrimack.edu/JCM | 978-837-5428 | jcm@merrimack.edu |