"Passover Treats you'll want to Eat All Year Long"
Introducing the inaugural season of JEWS IN THE KITCHEN - a new chavurah for people who would like to share a love of Jewish cuisine and create delicacies together. (No prior knowledge or experience required.)
JEWS IN THE KITCHEN (JITK) will meet in a private home in Andover. Each session will feature hands-on cooking/baking, techniques and tips, recipes to take home, tasting and lots of fun!
Your donation of $36 entitles you to participate in the JITK Chavurah and attend any or all of the fall 2019/spring 2020 sessions. (There may be small additional supply fees of up to $10 per session.) All recipes will be "kosher-style," and may include eggs, nuts, dairy or gluten.
For further Information and to register contact Laurie@MVJF.org or call her at 978-688-0466.