
12 2017

Interfaith Vigil Against Hate

6:30PM - 7:30PM  

Sunday, MARCH 12, 2017


6:30pm Meet on Westford town common


6:45pm Brief remarks from event organizers.


7:00pm Singing of National Anthem


7:05pm Small prayers from different faith for Peace


7:25pm Moment of Silence for Srinivas Kuchibhotla and others victims of hate fueled violence.


7:30pm Silent disbandment, leave candles and flowers together.


PURPOSE: On the February 22, 2017 two best friends; Srinivas Kuchibhotla & Alok Madasani of Olathe, Kansas went to a bar to watch a college basketball game after a long day's work atGarmin. These men were both in deep conversation when a total stranger, a caucasian man
approached them and started to hurl insults about them being minorities, immigrants, color oftheir skin, telling them leave and to go back to where they came from, calling them illegals and a few other choice words too inappropriate to include in this letter. Srinivas and Alok both tried to
explain to this man that they are not illegals, they both immigrated to the US legally, are from India and work at Garmin paying their share of taxes and serving the community the best theycan. After verbally assaulting Srinivas and Alok the man left the bar, went to his car and returned
with a gun! He fired shots at Srinivas, Alok and a good samaritan named Ian Grillot who came to their defense. Srinivas died at the scene, Alok and Ian survived. Officials identified the shooter as Adam Purinton who fled the scene but was later apprehended. Officials stated that Adam Purinton mistook the victims to be muslim and Iranian and shot them.  Shooter had hate in his heart for people of muslim faith and middle east. He could not see past the color of their skin and believed that these men did not belong in his America. Where did this Hate come from? We believe it came from lack of understanding of different cultures, it is fueledby racism and xenophobia that continues to grip our beloved country.  The purpose of this vigil is to peacefully gather to honor the life and memory of Srinivas Kuchibhotla, and in honor of the countless victims of hate and racism and xenophobia. This vigil is to peacefully show support to all the victims of hate and xenophobia that we as a community stand with them in solidarity and will not tolerate this kind of hate.

INVITATION: We plead with all community and religious organizations to join us to unite against forces that are tearing us apart. We would be very grateful if you would invite your friends, family, colleagues, and like-minded organizations in coming together as one. 

WE STAND TOGETHER: Many groups have come out to declare this a hate crime fueled by racism and xenophobia that continues to grip our beloved country. In this vigil, we also seek todenounce hate, violence, and hate fueled violence towards people based on the color of their
skin, minority status or their religious, cultural, social or political differences.


WHAT IS A VIGIL: Traditionally, a vigil is when one remembers the deceased. A vigil is also when you stay alert to guard something, someone, or an idea.

- Battery operated candles in containers (jam jars are preferable, you can find these at most stores like Walmart, CVS, or can order in bulk online on eBay or Amazon)