
17 2013

Global Day of Jewish Learning

9:00AM - 2:00PM  

Tempel Emanu-El of Haverhill 514 Main Street
Haverhill, MA 01830
978-373-3861 Nancy LaFleur <>

Contact Nancy LaFleur

Temple Emanu-El Fourth Annual Global Day of Jewish Learning Temple Emanu-El of Haverhill has been a leader in the broader Boston area in participating in the “Global Day of Jewish Learning” since it was founded by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz and continues for the fourth year in a row on Sunday, November 17th. As in previous years, over 400 communities globally have participated in this day of Jewish learning. The subject this year is “Creating Together.” The program will run at the Temple in Haverhill from 9:00 am with breakfast and registration until 2:00 pm. Three rotating sessions will be held for all participants. Questions to be discussed this year and debated will include “Creating Community – the challenges and benefits, if any, of being part of a larger community,” “Man as Creator – our responsibility for taking care of the world,” and “Creating Shabbat: Rest as a Creative Act – is this still necessary in our highly complex world; Is it ever possible to be unplugged from work and creating? The November 17th program will begin with a brief video presentation by Rabbi Steinsaltz, who completed his 45-volume translation and commentary of the Talmud from the original Aramaic and ancient Hebrew into English, Spanish, French, Russian and Modern Hebrew in 2010. The program is an opportunity for Jews all around the world to together celebrate our shared heritage through a Global Day of Jewish Learning during which we collectively study, explore, and debate a single set of topics to glean wisdom, questions, and a sense of being part of one people. It is a worldwide, trans-denominational and non-denominational event devoted to Jewish learning and to bring us together. In an article written in 1995 called “What Will Become of the Jewish People,” Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz wrote that an important key to survival of Jewish life in the Diaspora was Jewish education – for children, for parents, for grandparents and a deeper involvement of a broader base for a significant Jewish culture. The Global Day of Jewish Learning aims to provide one avenue that can lead toward that deeper involvement. In the discussion there may be different answers for all of us, but asking the questions and finding how to delve into answers may be the most important thing of all for ourselves, our children, and the future of our Judaism. Especially bring your older children who may already be asking themselves these same questions and for whom, the answers may determine who they become. As before, the Temple Emanu-El Adult Education committee will provide a continental breakfast and a hot lunch. There is no charge for the program. Registration is encouraged to enable planning, but walk-ins are welcome. Temple Emanu-El of Haverhill Nancy LaFleur Nancy J. LaFleur Administrator Temple Emanu-El 514 Main Street Haverhill, MA 01830 978-373-3861 F-978-373-7995